Monday, September 6, 2021



2,885 సమితిలు నుండి 28 రాష్ట్రాలలో 25,000 మంది విద్యార్థులకు పైగా రిజిస్టర్ చేసుకున్నారు. 

మన కోటి సమితి నుండి 11 మంది విద్యార్థులు పాల్గొనుచున్నారు. 

గ్రూప్ 1 నుండి 

సాయి కుసుమ గారి అబ్బాయి 

జయ గాయత్రీ నాగ కల్పన గారి అమ్మాయి 

లీలాధర్ - నవీన్ గారి అబ్బాయి 

గ్రూప్ 2 నుండి 

సాయి రూప - సునీత గారి అమ్మాయి 

సాయి గుప్త - చక్రధర్ గారి అబ్బాయి 

హేమాంగ్ - కల్పనా గారి అబ్బాయి 

ప్రణవెండర్ రెడ్డి - రేణుకగారి అబ్బాయి 

సత్యసాయి భద్ర దేవి - శ్రీనివాస్ గారి అమ్మాయి  తెలుగు లో వ్రాయుచున్నది 

వేర్నికా - భావనా గారి అమ్మాయి 

లోక ప్రియా - భావన గారి అమ్మాయి 

గ్రూప్ -3 

కుమారి సిగ్నడా 





                       CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS 

To be clean and tidy is a sign of spiritual quality and goodness. Moral duty to keep themselves, and their homes clean. Cleanliness of body and surroundings is as necessary as spiritual mind. Every human being must keep themselves and their home clean to be spiritually pure. When we do so we purify our body and mind from Evil thoughts and negativity.

Cleanliness is the mantra to succeed in life. We can perform well only when we are healthy and stay healthy always. This helps one to be well organized and well disciplined. As a result, one can easily be able to manage himself and also feel mentally relaxed and happy.

Cleanliness increases our positivity and helps in thinking always good. It reduces stress and depression and gives a feeling of joy and well-being. It enhances ONCES personality when we ourselves, we look more attractive. This will look more presentable and people tend to approach as defined as more organized and attractive.

1 Actually and unclean the environment is an insult to the creator that is God. Everything that God has created is beautiful and mother nature has in her the power means to maintain the hygiene and the sanitation of the Earth is only man who makes the environment dirty just like when we go to a place of worship it is the temple we clean our sales put on our best clothes likewise we must remember that this the world is our Temple and the first norm we must follow why is H personal hygiene this presents diseases and enhances the quality of life they should also extend towards the neighborhood and environment in general, everyone should develop clean social and Civic habits like spitting on roads walls extra urinate in public through throwing waste whenever we like extra should we our moral duty to keep ourselves our environment our Nation and this year clean this is actually meant by proverb cleanliness is next to godliness Bhagwan course cleanliness is the doorway to godliness inner and Outer cleanliness for essential if one desires to install God in our hearts

2. In reality the outer cleanliness is nothing but it is the reflection of inner h inner achievement so that is all practice and cultivate good habits in everybody life to keep ourselves and purify our body and mind from Evil thoughts and negativity this is the way to reach God.


Baba saying - waste of time is a waste of life.  Time should be used always for doing the right things in the right way.  That is the primary duty of every human being.  

A country’s development depends on how people use their time in doing things.  One may be intelligent, but if he do not act on time, nothing is going to happen.  That is why Satya Sai Baba always says - Time wasted is a life wasted.  

Only When we come to know the value of time, we will make proper use of it.  Time is very precious.   We can do wonders when we plan according to the time.  For example, If I complete my essay in the given time incorporating all my points, I will surely win a prize!   

Baba in his speech also told that we should not waste time by being idle and lazy.  It should be spent in a useful manner.  Time is an essential part of our life.

We should also learn to manage the available time and plan future actions.  In order to come up in life, we should have correct thoughts, vision, and motivation.  It is the time that decides everything.  We should realize the true goal of our life and act properly.  Always we should try to fill our time with good actions.

We all know “Time and Tide wait for none”.  Knowing its importance we shall have to manage things and try to reach our goals.







The Change I Seek in the World Begins With Me By Sai Smaran Dasu

Many people desire for the world to change because of how destructive our humans and our minds have become. There are so much unacceptable actions that occur in the world that our minds don’t welcome but we still do even though we know it is wrong. We seek for change, but we do not want to be the change. This only happens when you start with the change. Even one act can be a big impact on the world because you influence a few more people, and they influence some more, and there is a huge chain that transpires. First, we need to improve our minds and make a difference in ourselves. One difference or change in the community is the stepping stone of a new world.

Without a doubt, many freedom fighters did not start by trying to change the entire world at once. Mother Teresa stated, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” This shows that even though we do not have enough power to create such a powerful impact to change the world immediately, but we can make small changes, like small ripples in an ocean, to make waves, or influence the world. We seem to get frustrated or upset when we hear news that seems unfair, and then we do nothing about it. Thus plays a vital role in why there is hardly any change that occurs.

To start changing the world, we need to set up a positive culture that expands in the community as a whole. There should be diversity, equity, inclusion, and positivity in your culture so that we build strong, good relationships. This will change the negativity of the community and create a positive environment, which will affect the way we perceive things and have a different approach to solving problems. Therefore, we will have an open mind and have new ideas to change the world. Now, we can start influencing others with our positive ideas and provide a detailed explanation so that we can get closer to our goal through different ways, such as media, newspapers, and public speeches. This will widen our audience and will make a big difference when we are stronger and have more people support our idea. Now, we can expand our views and start the action, such as opposing higher archy to provide us a change in the country. This will influence other countries to do the same thing, and then the result will be a big change from where we started, and hopefully, will be adequate. This all can happen only if we set our mind to our goal and change our inner soul and mind. Our mental capabilities should open up and gradually pick up knowledge that would support our perspective.

On the other hand, many people decide to just ponder upon what we should change and then stop right there. Many problems are in the world and we should change them step by step. If one person decides to change one particular problem and another decides to change another particular problem, they can influence different parts of the world and change more than one problem at once, which would be extremely beneficial. To do this we need to first choose a conflict, such as terrorism. This can be a very big topic, and therefore will not change for a while. Unfortunately, it still goes on in many parts of the world which is very problematic to those areas in the world. Therefore, we need to start the change by getting rid of any hatred inside of us and not form negative opinions towards others. This could heavily impact the idea of terrorism. This only happens because people hate others and they actually do

 something about it by using violence. If we are able to release the negativity without using violence, that will change the amount of terrorism and even might get rid of it. The cause is hatred, negativity, and formed opinions. The effect would then be attacking and even killing others. If we get rid of the cause, this will primarily affect the way we perceive hatred and terrorism, and therefore can get rid of the effect. This is an example of how we can start a change.

Due to inner change, outer change occurs rather quickly and gives an advantage that really helps us as a human. We grow as a human and gain inner peace when we change. Positivity is the only thing that comes through your mind. This helps us have a happier life. Anything that happens to us seems to be for our benefit, which is a very good thing because we can perform better in anything that we do and gain all the benefits and advantages that we want in life.

In conclusion, any change that I seek in the world begins in every human that desires a change, including me. If we think of a big problem in the world, instead of pondering about it and wasting time that is valuable, we can think of a way where we can be effective and change at least our small community by spreading positivity and proper system and process. Therefore, we can, with small steps, make our audience bigger with our ideas and actions, and spread the message and good actions and widen the area that our thoughts have spread out to, from community to city, and from city to state, and state to country and so on and so forth. This will be a big impact on the world, even though it may take some time. Time will not cooperate with you, because the world is huge compared to you. Patience is also a key to this success. The simple statement is, you can do whatever you put your mind to that will affect the world positively and change the world with a few simple actions and changing your inner self. Before changing the world, change yourself.